In anticipation of the Diocese of Charlottetown’s upcoming 200th anniversary, Bishop Joseph Dabrowski invited fellow archivist Debra Majer (Diocese of London) to lead a three-week project to kick-start a formal archival program. With the Loretto Sisters’ support, I joined for the final week to lend the project my professional support.
Building on the decades of work of Father Art O’Shea collecting and organizing, the project resulted in the renovation of a dedicated archival space, organization of many artifacts (artworks, liturgical items, display cases etc.) and archival items (photos, papers, scrapbooks, blueprints). I worked specifically with re-housing and organizing the Bishops’ papers and parish records, as well as choosing materials for display. It was my first time working so intensely with Diocesan records and it was interesting to note the many similarities it held compared to working with congregational archives.
Our Catholic Archives hold rich histories related to the development of our communities and nation. The development of a formal archival program ensures the continued safekeeping of these records and the future ability to make this information available to share the stories held within. I am happy to share that an archivist has been hired to continue this work on Prince Edward Island.