Making a donation is a way to participate in our work and to support the care and ministry of the elderly and infirm sisters who have given so much throughout their lives. You can make a monetary gift in the form of a simple donation, or a legacy to assist the work of the Loretto Sisters. Be assured that you, your generosity, will be remembered in our prayers. Your gift has a positive impact.
The Loretto Sisters are incorporated as a registered charitable organization under the name of "Loretto Ladies' Colleges and Schools." Income tax receipts will be provided for accumulated amounts over $20.00.
Cheques can be made out to "Loretto Ladies' Colleges and Schools" and sent to:

IBVM Leadership Office
Loretto College
70 St. Mary Street
Toronto, ON M5S 1J3
Tel: 416-483-2238
Fax: 416-485-9884
Designated Memorial Contributions
Another way to remember a loved one
Among the ways that supporters can help the Loretto Sisters is a special one that is sometimes overlooked. You may designate the Loretto Sisters as a favorite charity to which contributions can be made at the time of a loved one's death. A family can do this by including a statement in the obituary, such as: "Memorial contributions may be made to the Loretto Sisters." We are deeply grateful to families who designate the Loretto Sisters for memorial contributions.