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"Becoming/Being One." Creating bridges between communities.

Mariana Ojeda and a friend in Argentina.
Mariana Ojeda and a friend in Argentina.

A project developed among us Lorettos at Presentation Manor, a few months ago, that came out of a discussion about how we could become more engaged in our process of “Becoming/Being One.” The suggestion was made that we could each adopt the members of a region or province of the Congregation of Jesus to pray for (and, if we wished, to communicate with) as we wait for the final canonical steps of our Merger to be completed.

A list was posted in the community room, and we signed up. Although some provinces and regions have amalga- mated, so that the South American CJs are one province, and some countries have both IBVMS and CJ sisters working there - occasionally together - we have covered almost all of the Congregation of Jesus with our prayers.

Angela Budau in Cuba.
Angela Budau in Cuba.

Valentina Masyr and friends in Ukraine.
Valentina Masyr and friends in Ukraine.

A few of us have established good email contacts with a few Sisters, and we are finding that we are all deeply root- ed in Mary Ward and her vision: for education, for service to the poor, for the care of women, for justice. Whether a Sister in Cuba shares the life of poor villagers, a Slovakian Sister does religious education in war-torn Ukraine, or a Chilean Sister makes an online presentation about the ethos of her school and how it is inspired by Mary Ward, we are already one. Every little step and every prayer bring us closer together.

By Helen Cameron, IBVM


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