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Good Friday

Seven last words

Word Seven – Reunion

"Father, into your hands I commend my spirit." Luke 23:46

Father, I don’t want to do this.

I don’t want to go back to Jerusalem.

They have been plotting against me

and have tried to kill me already.

If I go back there, I will die.

I am afraid.

I love you, Father; I feel your Love in me.

I am frightened.

Father, I know you are with me

and that you will walk every step with me.

I place my trust in you.

But still, I fear. Father, into your hands, I commend my fear.


Father, I pray it has been enough.

You know everything.

You know I have tried to do Your will.

But was it enough?

Do they understand enough

that this end will not be the end of the covenant you want with them?

Even until now, I think they know,

and then, they are lost again in their bewilderment.

Father, when I am no longer with them,

will they have the strength and Love to carry on?

They will be afraid, too; they will know the fear I know.

Wrap them in the confidence of your Love.

Father, into your hands, I commend my friends,

those I have loved and taught your ways, those who must go on.


Father, I know you are with me now

as you have always been with me.

I am abandoned by the ones I have tried to help.

So soon, they forget.

The crowds have turned on me.

Today, they hail me a King,

but within days they will cry out for my death.

Heal the disappointment and hurt in my heart,

don’t allow it to become anger or resentment.

Father, into your hands, I commend my broken heart.

Father, there is a woman you chose.

I worry for her.

She will know more suffering than anyone should bear.

You chose her, and you chose well.

I thank you, Father, for the Mother and Father, you gave me

to guide my young life.

They did as you asked.

They have lived their Love for you and for me.

Give my mother strength to walk these days with me,

as she has walked every other day of my life,

with a mother’s Love.

Father, into your hands, I commend my Mother.


Father, I am afraid.

Sadness overwhelms me.

Guide me.

Give me the strength to follow your will up to the end.

May Your will be done in me.

Allow Your Love for me and my Love for them

to carry me to that final moment when it is finished,

and I am dead.

Father, into your hands, I commend my spirit.

Amen, Amen, Amen

Into Your Hands - Ray Repp

“Father, into your hands I commend my spirit.”

These are the words we need to pray more than any. 

These are the words of complete surrender to God. 

Prayer is ultimately about one thing.

It’s about surrender. 

It’s about trust. 

Say these words over and over today

and let this perfect surrender of Jesus also be your surrender.


Surrender means God is in control.

It means that we let go of our own will and choose only God’s. 

And it means that God pledges to accept our surrender

and guide us into the perfect plan has in mind for us.


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