Happy Advent – this year we invite you to look back over 2023 and reflect on 4 global ‘crises’ – Food Insecurity (Hope), War (Peace), Climate Change (Joy) and Refugees (Love).
Week One - HOPE Christ Brings Hope to Broken World

Jesus said to them, ‘They need not go away; you give them something to eat.’
Mt. 14: 16
Pope Francis: “Millions of people continue to suffer from poverty and malnutrition around the world, due to armed conflict, as well as climate change and the resulting natural disasters," the pope said in his message. "The challenge we face demands joint and collaborative action by the entire family of nations," he wrote, and "There can be no room for conflict or opposition."
43rd session of the U.N. Food and Agriculture Organization conference July 5, 2023
Who are the Hungry in the World?
How can you 'give them something to eat' and be Christ's HOPE this Advent and beyond
Look around you - are there neighbours who are experiencing food insecurity?