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Stories of Solidarity

A conversation between Canadian religious communities and Development and Peace’s youth movement

This conversational webinar will bring sisters from Canadian religious communities across Canada in dialogue with Development and Peace youth members.

A panel of sisters and youth will share their experiences of solidarity and engagement for social in the Global South. Participants will also be invited to reflect on how solidarity, in times of pandemic and confinement, can help break isolation and nourish hope, here and abroad.

The panel talk will be followed by a reflection and discussion period open to all participants.

Panelists (English webinar):

Sister panel: Sister Auréa Cormier, n.d.s.c.

Sister Georgette Gregory, CSJ

Sister Mariangel Marco Teja, U.J.

Youth panel: Andrea Dsouza

Nik Agirovski

To participate

When: Wednesday June 3, at 1 pm ET (English)

Tuesday June 2, at 3 pm ET (French)

Where: Online (Zoom)

Registration: Please use this link to register online.

Once registered, you will receive an email with a link and instructions to access the webinar.


Welcome and introduction: greetings, introduction and presentation of participants (15min.)

Stories of solidarity: panel discussion featuring three sisters and two Development and Peace youth members. Participants will have the opportunity to exchange with panelists and ask them questions. (30-45 min.)

Conversation between sisters and youth: all participants are invited to join the conversation by asking questions to panelists, sharing their experiences of solidarity and reflections on solidarity in times of confinement (30-45 min.)


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