Seven last words
Word TWO - Salvation/Conversion
To the Good Thief - “Truly, I say to you, today you will be with me in paradise.” Matthew 23:43
The good thief, known as St. Dismas, shows us the power of conversion. Along with its reward. A convicted thief, St. Dismas presumably did not lead the most holy life. Yet as he hung alongside Jesus, his eyes were opened to the presence of God. With his final dying breaths, he proclaimed Jesus as Lord of all creation.
Jesus recognizes this act of faith and affirms to St. Dismas that he will join him in heaven.
The promise of God’s kingdom is so great. St. Dismas realized this as he was at the side of Jesus. During Lent, when we find time to be present with Jesus, we are reminded of the beautiful gift of our salvation and our call to bring God’s kingdom to earth, as it is in heaven.
Jesus’s words remind us that no matter how many times you have sinned, or how long it has been since you prayed, God is always looking to forgive you.
I wonder if some of us would agree with the ‘other’ thief’ and mock Jesus saying : "Are you not the Messiah? Save yourself and us." Do we sometimes doubt the power of Jesus to heal us, to guide us and to forgive us?
The Good Thief – though his death was imminent – had the courage to use his final breath to declare his faith in Jesus - a ‘deathbed’ conversion - "Jesus, remember me, when you come into your kingdom."
We meet Jesus every day – in our work, our families and friends, our encounters with strangers, in the daily routine of our days and in our prayer. All of these are opportunities given to us to grow in our faith, in our relationships with God, our neighbour and our world. So, are our hearts open to meeting him in these moments and allowing the encounter to change our attitude, our faith, our values and our actions?
How have you experienced the fruits of Baptism and other moments of conversion throughout your own life?
What does conversion mean to me today?
How do I feel the Lord leading me to conversion – a new way of being this Lent?
Arts & Faith - Week 2 of Lent
Create in Me - Psalm 51