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Promoting the Full Flourishing of Children in the Church

Sr. Sarah Rudolph recently had an article published in the Bulletin of the International Union of Superiors General. Entitled "Promoting the Full Flourishing of Children in the Church", this article is an adaptation of her Master of Divinity thesis in which she explores the theoretical foundation for a praxis of pastoral accompaniment of children as well as four concrete means by which pastoral accompaniment can occur. The intent is to build a culture of intentional empowerment of children within the church as a way in which to respond to the harms done by the sexual abuse crisis.


Promoting the Full Flourishing of Children in the Church Sarah Rudolph, IBVM
The fundamental dignity and rights of the child are located within the foundation of the fundamental dignity of the human person. At the Second Vatican Council, the Church affirmed the inviolable dignity of the person created in the image of God capable of loving and knowing the Creator. Jesus is the “image of the invisible God” (Col. 1:15). In the Incarnation, Jesus unites himself with humanity. Through his death he delivers humanity from sin. Thus the Christian person conformed to the likeness of Christ becomes “capable of discharging the new law of love.” Children, as human persons, are imbued with dignity through their creation in the image of God and grow in holiness through conformation to the life of Christ, particularly through the experience of childhood.


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