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3rd week of Lent

“When a Samaritan woman came to draw water,

Jesus said to her ‘Give me a drink'.”

John 4:7
The walk-through Samaria has been long and tiring. While his disciples go to town to buy food, a thirsty Jesus sits by a well. It is there he meets the Samaritan woman and asks her for a drink.

In our world today too many people thirst for water, and even more thirst for justice.

Fifty-five year old Monjama Kosia lives alone in the village of Tombolu in Sierra Leone. Despite her bad knees, she walks to the creek two or three times a week to fetch water.

“There is no good drinking water in our community,” she explains. “Sometimes, we have to climb just to get to where the water is.”

Today, Jesus is still thirsty at the well and we are the ones invited to draw water.
We can recognize the face of Christ in our sisters and brothers as we reach out in solidarity to all who struggle to get their fair share of this precious, life-giving gift.

Lent prayer

Fountain of Life,

let your love well up within us.

Together may we reshape the world,

so that the thirst for water,

and for justice, is satisfied.


Watch the excitement as the villagers of Waima Ngeiya get water for the first time in 100 years.


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