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3rd week of Advent

Week Three – JOY - Christ Brings Joy to the World through CREATION

Jesus said:

Candles with caption that reads Joy

These things I have spoken to you, that my joy may be in you, and that your joy

may be full. John 15:11


Pope Francis - In the Christian understanding of the world, the destiny of all creation is bound up with the mystery of Christ, present from the beginning: “All things have been created through him and for him” (Col 1:16). The prologue of the Gospel of John (1:1-18) reveals Christ’s creative work as the Divine Word (Logos). But then, unexpectedly, the prologue goes on to say that this same Word “became flesh” (Jn 1:14). LS99


The Earth is the Lord’s


This we know: the earth does not belong to us.

The earth is the Lord’s and so are all its people.

This we know: we did not weave the web of life.

The earth is the Lord’s and so is all that breathes on it.


This we know: we are called to till and work the earth.

The earth is the Lord’s and so are all who work the land.

This we know: that we are called to take care of creation.

The earth is the Lord’s, yet we have polluted and abused it.

This we know: that whatever befalls the earth, Befalls the sons and daughters of the earth

This we know: that the earth is the Lord’s. And so we will serve Him in it.


Source: Bishop Eric Pike, Diocese of Port Elizabeth (South Africa): adapted from various sources including Ray Simpson

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