Celebrate 2023 Parliament of World's Religions
Sat, Sep 09
You may have seen on social media that a group of the Mary Ward Family attended the 2023 Parliament of the World’s Religions held in Chicago 14 – 18th August.

Time & Location
Sep 09, 2023, 11:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m.
About the Event
This unique experience of religions gathering to celebrate their diversity and work together to address the big problems of our times is worth sharing as widely as possible.
We invite you to a webinar where those who attended the Parliament will share information and experience of the event in the hope that this growing worldwide movement will also nourish us and be a source of inspiration.
REGISTER for the webinar at:
Languages: English, Spanish, German, Romanian, Hungarian.
Finally, we are aware that it is very late for some countries so we encourage you to set up some Watch Parties. The recording will be published on the UNNGO YouTube.