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Palm Sunday - Holy Week

Jesus we bring ourselves to you today, knowing that in just a few days we will enter into our Church’s most sacred time, the celebration of your Paschal Mystery. We believe in your saving grace, Lord, and are here because you have called us to new life in you.

We line the streets of Jerusalem, waving palms and rejoicing in your triumphant message of hope, love, and redemption.

We keep watch with you in the garden where you will be betrayed and condemned to death.

With compassion we wipe your face and walk with you to the cross, where you will be mocked and crucified. In sorrow, we look on from a distance as you are placed in the tomb.

Lord, while we linger these next few days on your suffering, help us to remember that many in our world continue to suffer without hope. So many still hunger and thirst for your peace.

While many of us have found in you what sustains and nourishes us, what fills our wells and waters our fields, there are still many among us who are broken, afraid, who feel alone, and who need the gentle hands of human kindness.

And so it is with gratitude and humility that we thank you for these last few days of Lent. May they be a time of letting go and opening ourselves to the promises and beauty of Resurrection at Easter, when we arrive at the tomb and find it empty. With rejoicing in our hearts made new, gather us around that glorious vigil fire, help us to be bold and courageous, give us the strength we need to share your water, light, and life with those who need it most.


~ Rebecca Board Liljenstolpe

Watch The Stations of the Cross according to St Matthew



What we Do

Today, Loretto Sisters in Canada work to accomplish the objectives of our mission statement in a variety of ways. These include works of education, promotion of justice and ministries of spirituality and pastoral care.

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