The Power of Care
Women, Economics, Human Trafficking

The theme of the eighth International Day of Prayer and Awareness Against Trafficking in Persons is "The Power of Care - Women, Economics, Human Trafficking".
Trafficking is one of the deepest wounds inflicted by the current economic system. Wounds that affect all dimensions of personal and communitarian life. The pandemic has increased the "business" of human trafficking and has exacerbated the pain: it has favoured the opportunities and socio-economic mechanisms underlying this scourge, worsening the situations of vulnerability that involved the people most at risk - disproportionately women and girls. The latter, are particularly penalized by the dominant economic model.
The gap between men and women has thus grown.
Women are called to take on a leading role as agents of change to create an economic system based on caring for people and the common home, involving everyone. Care is a lifestyle and is Jesus' way of loving, as he proposes to us in the parable of the Good Samaritan (Lk 10: 25-37), taken up by Pope Francis in his Encyclical Letter Fratelli Tutti.
The power of care is the only way to tackle human trafficking and all forms of exploitation.
Online Marathon of Prayer
Join the Religious Sisters of Talitha Kum and partner organizations committed against human trafficking in the online marathon of Prayer on February 8, 2022 from 9 a.m. (CET) to 5 p.m. (CET). All will be online praying together and raising awareness against human trafficking.

Our IBVM/CJ ministry in Human Trafficking has prepared a prayer for the International Bakhita Day of prayer and reflection. Watch here
They have also collected a series of testimonies from our members working in the field of antitrafficking.